Audio desk Systeme's

Vinyl Cleaner

Important Links:

Disc Cutter


UltraSystems, Inc.

127 Union Square
New Hope, PA 18938
(215) 862-6570

Tel. toll free 800-724-3305
Fax 215-862-4871

Business hours are
10am to 6pm Eastern
Monday to Friday
11am to 5pm Saturday

Dealers contact us for a wholesale price sheet by email.






Reviews for

Audio Desk Systeme's Disc Cutter:



June 2010:

I recently retested your CD cutter and think it is even better than I first thought. I thought it was always good but my mastering system is slightly better now and the difference in a cut master CD is clear.

I just mastered a 3 CD set for a jazz record company and I cut all three discs before sending them off for reproduction at the CD manufacturing plant. The cut master was clearly better than the uncut version. So this is a useful and vital step in my mastering.

So thank you.

Mastering Engineer


HiFi +  Issue 44, 2006

Click here to download pdf


The CD Cutter received: Product of the year Award in 2006!